Friday, November 12, 2010

Poinsettias are ready! 12 Days to the Poinsettia Premiere!

Hello Everyone

Wow, all of a sudden the premiere is only 12 days away! The girls are working like mad in the store to get it into tip top shape for the premiere. I can't wait to post pictures of the finished product! Tomorrow I will be posting some photos of the new decorations and a little bit of the progress we are making.

The big news today is for those of you who just can't wait until the premiere and you want to get your poinsettias now!

Tomorrow, Saturday November 13th we will have a selection of 4'' and 6'' Poinsettias in store. If you would like to purchase an 8'' or 10'' Point feel free to ask one of our staff members to pick you one from the greenhouses.

So here are some pictures of how it is looking in the green house now a days! It is such a difference when the poinsettias fully colour up. The red is SO BRIGHT!

One of our thirty varieties, Mars Pink.

Poinsettias don't like to be watered overhead so we grow them on 'flood tables' as pictured below. The larger poinsettias each get an individual watering line, or a 'spagetti' as they are known in the greenhouse :)

What a difference the flower makes

Our official Poinsettia Flyer is out! And we hope to see you there.

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