Friday, March 27, 2015

AAKKK...Slugs...What do I do??

Yet another beautiful week in the lower mainland with both sun and showers.  With the first week of spring under our belts, things are in full force here at the greenhouses.  We almost have all of our hanging baskets planted and growing beautifully for your spring and summer enjoyment.  The greenhouse is packed full of spring annuals, growing and waiting to aid you in your spring planting needs.  Beautiful and unique home decor, gift ware, and furniture to help create a relaxing outdoor oasis in your home. 

Slugs, those pesky little critters, may be creeping around your garden beds, looking to is a quick gardening tip for to deal with them....

Yes, those little critters are active again.  If you're not planning to raise ducks or put out saucers of beer, we recommend Safer's 
Slug & Snail Killer.  It's safe to use around ornamental and edible plants.  Composed of a grain-like substance (like beer) and a minute amount of iron, it is toxic to slugs and snails but not to larger animals.  Sprinkle sparingly around vulnerable plants such as hostas and ligularias, and renew every few weeks.  

Although this weekend may not be looking too promising for sunshine, enjoy it, as the sunshine is probably not too far behind it!  We have so many great things in store this year for you and your gardens.  Senettis are finally in store and looking full and fabulous!  These are great cold tolerant plants and a great Easter colour!  We also have some beautiful indoor Hydrangeas that just arrived...Who doesn't love Hydrangeas!  With their big bloom and bold beautiful colours, they are sure to impress!  We still have a large selection of Pansies, Violas, Primulas available for your gardens as well, but they have been going quick, so hurry in!

Herbs, Lettuce, Veggies and Fruits are starting to arrive in store.  We will be adding to our selection as the weeks go on, but we do have some options for your right now.

In the Perennial/Shrub/Tree department, which is always one of our most popular departments, we have a lot of varieties of items, more arriving in every week.  If you are ever looking for something specific be sure to get in our request book!  Jean, our perennial guru, is always on the lookout for new and exciting items to offer you in store!

 As for what we currently have available to you in store...Skimmias, are in full FRAGRANT bloom, and we have male, female and self-fertile varieties.  They're great for shade, compact in height so they're perfect for urban gardens.  Evergreen too - what more could you want of a plant?

More popular items that just arrived in store are 
-Camellias, which are currently blooming and looking spectacular, 
-Conifers, compact unusual varieties now available-for best selection check it out early
-Miniature Garden Plants-Fresh shipment of plants perfect to create those whimsical fairy gardens
- Gourmet lettuce, Albion strawberries, mini-dwarf Honey Crisp apple trees 
- 2 gallon size hardy white Calla Lilies
-The most varieties of Seed Potatoes we have ever had
-and much much more...


EGYPTIAN WALKING ONION (Allium proliferum)

This is a PERENNIAL heritage onion that is being re-discovered by gardeners.  It returns year after year, and the topsets of bulbs, long narrow leaves and outside bulbs in the ground can be harvested.  They look and taste somewhat like shallots, and grow 2 - 3' tall.  If the topsets are left unpicked, the eventual weight of them will cause them to fall over to the ground.  They then start to grow another plant, and it will eventually 'walk' all over your garden bed.  Full sun - pt. shade. Zone 3.  Limited quantity available.
That's it for now folks, but enjoy those moments of sunshine we have been getting, but also enjoy the rain!  Even come join us in the garden center on those rainy days.  We have lots to look at and enjoy :)

Until next time...

~West Coast Gardens~

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